
Mark Stencel- Guest Speaker

Filed Under (COMM 361, Professor Klein) by on 12-04-2011

Works with NPR: National Public Radio.

Their audience has grown because more and more people are driving and getting caught in traffic. With nothing to do in the car, they tune into NPR.

Use images in radio journalism by painting it in your head. Online, we need pictures that speak for themselves.

Arts, entertainment, and feature stories use video the most. News stories have  a way of going on then off the news grid. Arts, entertainment, music stories tend to stick around and receive clicks/hits even weeks after.

“You wanna be good at everything. You wanna cover the story so that everyone comes to you. So the big questions is, what part of the story is our audience coming to view and what parts have they seen from other sources?”

Don’t cover the events, just the implications. – Matt Thompson, NPR

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